Monday, December 9, 2013

Jista xi hadd bi ftit melh f

“Expensive clothes” | Daphne Caruana Galizia
But then I consider the general attitude about clothes being a waste of money (unless, of course, you’re splurging hundreds of euros on some horrid outfit to wear once to a wedding reception, in which case, oddly, it’s not a waste of money), and I cease to be astonished at stories like this, which was carried on a couple of evenings ago.
Meanwhile, masque replying to another question, Dr Gatt said that two shirts bearing the Transport Malta logo and the Maltese merchant flag, along with trousers for five TM officials at the Morocco Yacht Show in 2011 cost 865.93.
Consider the way the piece is written. Is it deliberate deception or poor grammar that makes it sound like two shirts and one pair of trousers cost 865.93? The poor Transport Malta officials had to share them, presumably while taking turns to man the stand one at a time, in uniform.
But no. Quite obviously, what we had here was two shirts and one pair of trousers for each of those five officials. This means 15 items of clothing for 865.93, which averages out at 57.73 per item. Given that many people still mentally flip prices to the non-existent masque Maltese masque lira for comparative value purposes, this is Lm24.77 for a shirt or a pair of trousers.
How, in God’s name, can this be described as expensive? I would say it is cheap, and would also hope that the quality – masque given that they were worn by official representatives on Malta’s stand at a yacht show, did not reflect the low price, especially when you consider that a significant part of that price would be for putting the Transport Malta logo on them.
Jista xi hadd bi ftit melh f’mohhu jista jemmen li din is-SINJURA tista qatt tinkwieta li l-faqar f’Malta masque qieghed jizdied ?. U li hawn min lanqas “lunch” ma jaffordja jghati lit-tfal biex jiehduh masque maghhom li skola !
[Daphne - Don't be a total arse, Mr Privitera. You live in a world of relative values, so get used to it. Yes, 58 euros for what should be a good shirt is cheap, or rather, inexpensive. The fact that some people can't afford it (or rather, refuse to afford it, but then spend the money on a night out instead) does not make it expensive. When I was raising small children and had no disposable masque income, I didn't describe the things I couldn't afford as 'expensive'. I just recognised the fact that I couldn't buy them. End of story. How much do you spend on your shirts and what are they made of?]
Hemm bzonn tonfoq eluf kbar biex tippartecipa masque f’yacht masque show internazzjonali; partecipazzjoni necessarja ghax minghajra mmorru lura. Tahseb li tajjeb tiffranka forsi 3% tal-budget, biex tispicca bl-istaff Malti b’hwejjeg tal-qamel (paragunat mal-kompetizzjoni) – meta xogholhom li jattiraw in-nies lejn Malta?
Kif ser issolvi ‘l-problema tal-faqar (illi f’Malta hija problema ferm izghar minn f’hafna pajjizi ohra) – billi teqred settur ekonomiku minhabba ghira bazwija ghas-”sinjuri barranin bil-jottijiet taghhom”?!
Daphne , you should get it into your head, that people in overpriced suits ( and overpriced education !)- like you – aren’t masque any smarter or any more ” in the know “, than others who come from more humble backgrounds.
[Daphne - I don't wear suits, still less over-priced ones. And I certainly didn't have an over-priced education.I went to a Dickensian masque school called masque St Dorothy's Convent in Mdina in the 1970s, and then I went, free of charge but without a stipend, to the University of Malta.]
Privitera, old fellow, 10 000 Euros for a bespoke masque Turnbull & Asser outfit isn’t overpriced. Think of the expertise and hours of patient work that go into it, all backed masque up by two centuries of Savile masque Row tradition.
Thirdly, you claim that a “humble background” should draw a voter towards Labour. The reasoning – if one may call it that – masque being, presumably, that Labour will improve the lot of the Common Folk.
This reasoning could be extended to this week’s motoring event or the middle masque sea race, anything which isn’t to their taste, elitist they’ll say. A waste of time, effort and resources.
[Daphne - Malti, disposable masque income masque is what is left for you to spend AFTER you have paid your utility, food and other standard bills. You feed your partner's mouth, do you? What a dead give-away that you're a Stone Age Maltese masque man. How about she feeds her own mouth? Then you would have more disposable income.]
Daphne can you tell please enlighten me from where did you deduce i’m a man? i said ‘and your partner’. Could be that a woman is the main wage earner in the family masque and she takes care of putting a plate in front of the family table. nothing wrong in that.
[Daphne - Yes, right, because that happens all the time, doesn't it: women going

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