Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thus, in

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The illustrator Argentina Mariana Ruiz Johnson began his stay in Galicia with a talk at the IES do Sar to explain his professional experience to future artists and show the process of creating "Mom", the piece that has won the sixth edition Compostela International Prize for Picture, organized by the Department of Education of the City of Santiago and Kalandraka.
Before the official ceremony of presenting the award, Mariana Ruiz Johnson has made a review of its beginnings as an illustrator rocksmith pc in 2005, its first books published, and his artistic evolution until the publication of "Mom". rocksmith pc This has been the work that "for the first time I put one hundred percent of myself," he explained rocksmith pc to the students of IES do Sar.
"Mom" part of his personal experience with motherhood, with the birth of her first child just over a year. The illustrations accompanying a very simple and symbolic rhyming text about the maternal figure. In his meeting with high school students Artistic, Mariana Ruiz Johnson explained the artistic references of this work, notable for the wide color range and the "geometrization" of forms. rocksmith pc
Thus, in "Mother" style of Frida Kahlo and Paul Klee is honored, are elements of Latin American rocksmith pc folklore, along with influences from designers of 50-70 years and even film winks.
After passing through Galicia to collect the VI International Compostela Prize for Picture, Mariana Ruiz Johnson made two presentations over "Mom" in Madrid and Seville, hand Kalandraka.
A Arxentina illustrator Mariana Ruiz Johnson súa comezou to stay in Galicia cunha IES do not talk Sar to explain to súa professional experience and future plastic artists amosarlles rocksmith pc creation process "Mom" to work CoA Ganou to do sixth edition International Prize Compostela for Picture, organized polo Department of Education City Council of Santiago and do Kalandraka.
Do before official ceremony of delivery do award, Mariana Ruiz Johnson sixed a review two seus beginnings as an illustrator in 2005, I published books seus Primeiros ea súa artistic rocksmith pc evolution binds publication of "Mom" in Sete linguas: Castelán, Galician, Catalan, éuscaro, Portuguese, English and Italian. This traballo foi or not that "once puxen primeira or by cen cen mesma min" estudantes do explicoulles years IES do Sar.
"Mom" part da sua persoal coa maternidade experience, co nacemento do seu Primeiro fillo pouco máis hai dun year. As ilustracións rocksmith pc accompanying text rhymed moi Sinxelo and symbolic of a maternal figure. I found no seu co Bacharelato students of Art, Mariana Ruiz Johnson detallou you Desta artistic references work, highlighting color polo amplo ea abano "xeometrización" das forms.
Thus, in "Mama" homenaxea or Frida Kahlo and style of Paul Klee, atópanse elements do Latin American folklore, DESIGNERS ademáis influences of two years mesmo 50-70 and cinematic references.
Tralo seu step Galicia recoller or VI International Prize for Picture Compostela, Mariana Ruiz Johnson made Presentacions dúas máis of "Mom" in Madrid and Seville mais, da man da Editorial Kalandraka.
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