Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why they save not money and moving to a woman in a burka or niqab right away? It

Mrs. Gåman | Hodjanernes Blog
Exile - in our Asian neighbor - is in full swing with the wind up clock population. The easiest would probably be to kill all individuals schuler shoes with a Swedish bakgrund, but who would support the new? - As a compromise could sterilize or possibly. castrate aboriginalerne, but eventually the same problem schuler shoes occurs well again. So while funderar deeply it has been decided to postpone the final solution to svea issue and decided instead to people's home is genusneutralt. For example, it is no longer called male and honey, but go. Men and women are from now on people.
But as always in an oversized bureaucracy by one Commission not know what the other is doing. It has also been across the Sound has long passed a lot of laws and regulations on gender quotas, gender and similar schuler shoes injunction discrimination. Advancement does not depend on skill, but on what you have between your legs. And just as in the example. schuler shoes Boards must also be gender quotas on road signs. Therefore, it has now long been engaged in removing schuler shoes half the signs at pedestrian crossings. Down with Mr. Gåman up with Mrs. Gåman. Unfortunately, the sign painter to take the job a little too seriously since going let Mrs. Gåman equip with unmistakable, female attributes and clothing. So it became a judge: fædselstavler was supposed reluctantly bring minded to a boil in some, sources of ignition persons. ..
Calm down, the solution is on the way: the new profile will be completely politically correct, as you - as you know - can not see the difference between a muslima in burka and a Muslim in full, Islamic outfit (though minus Kalashnikov). The male dress code prescribes the granny nightgown, gauze on the knob and snabelsko (which, however, is covered by her nightgown). schuler shoes The unfortunate sign painter is already in jail and you have hired Lars Vilks as a replacement.
Why they save not money and moving to a woman in a burka or niqab right away? It's still the road development in Sweden yesterday - with no Swedes schuler shoes ever been asked about the show just in the form of "cultural enrichment."
Well, some fresh Swedish provocateur schuler shoes just might make some silhouettes of such veiled schuler shoes women just to adhere to traffic signs in Sweden - it would probably be able to make a little amber in the PK Sweden schuler shoes
How about a Ladyboy instead, so you get the both in the same package. For then there is both a bulge at the top and bottom. And then it's even a 50/50 and 100% neutral (iserende) solution. schuler shoes And best of all would it be a non-pig skin colored omnixenofobisk Nazi racists who were pictured on the "pigtogrammet". Regarding aboriginalerne (/ Swedes), then it must just point out that they have a gennemsnitsIQ 65, roughly the same as colonizers, dating schuler shoes south from Sahara. While the Middle East is fumbling in the '80s. And then there is of course just that little sideshow with a few thousand schuler shoes years of inbreeding. But never mind then, for a good and in all ways neutral human, nothing is impossible. For human (animal) schuler shoes t is, and remains, after all, a social construct, which is above the frivolities as nature / evolutionen.Så they have to quickly get their IQ to rise with a 30-50 IQpoints, thanks to our unrivaled western education systems and all primary school socialists who own them. The exception to this rule, however, so just be SF's spokesman and former primary school schuler shoes teacher, Karina "Many Muslim children are less gifted" Dehnhard Lorenzen. What she uttered in P1Debat schuler shoes 23/9 2009 (not online), when she discussed the crime / education among young people of different ethnic schuler shoes backgrounds with Martin Henriksen from DF.
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