Gelotofobi: parx racing Danish research: Muslims are 19.7 times more easily offended than Danes | Hodjanernes Blog
Gelotofobi is "fear of being laughed at." Gelotofobe is according to research more uncertain than others, they have a sense of being ridiculous and they are afraid parx racing that others can see these things. It's largely about low self-esteem and the feeling of being a fool - and attempt to hide this.
Researchers from Aarhus University parx racing have investigated the degree of gelatofobi in 72 countries. parx racing The study shows that Danes are the world's least gelatofobe lot. Only 1.67 percent of Danes are gelatofobe. However, people from the Middle East, Muslims, the world's most gelatofobe parx racing people. 33 percent of them suffer from gelatofobi. It is 19.7 times more than the Danes. Norwegians are in 2nd place with 2.37 percent, and the Israelis - which in extreme greatly exposed to criticism and mockery from their neighbors and much of the Western press, is as high as a 4th-place (5, 91 percent).
1) When other options in my presence, I become suspicious. 2) I avoid to go public because I fear that people see my insecurities and will make fun of it. 3) When strangers or in my presence, I think often they laugh at me. 4) I speak very much not to attract negative attention, so I do not seem ridiculous. 5) I think I work involuntarily ridiculous to others. 6) Although parx racing I often feel lonely, I shall not participate very often in social activities to protect myself against contemptuous remarks. 7) When I made an embarrassing impression somewhere, so I avoid the place afterwards. 8) It takes me a long time to get over when someone laughed at me. 9) When I dance, I feel awkward because I am convinced that those who see me, I think that's ridiculous.
The high degree of gelotofobi parx racing in the Middle East may explain parx racing part of the reason for Muslims' aggressive reaction to satire directed against themselves and what they represent (eg. Muhammad cartoons) - and the distinct parx racing lack of self-irony. Muslim culture great emphasis on honor and shame probably contribute to the high degree parx racing of gelotofobi among Muslims - and thus also to poor self-confidence and the feeling of being ridiculed.
It should be borne in mind that the Muslim prophet Muhammad himself was laughing much when he started his career as a prophet. People did not believe him when he said that a voice inside his head told him that he was a divine prophet. For the same reason, there are some verses parx racing in both the Qur'an and hadith in which Muhammad prohibits making fun of him. Was Muhammad gelotofob? "
Comment by Mette - January 11, 2011 @ 16:35
Yes, Muhammad the pig was pretty safe gelotofob. He was a pedophile, suffered from inferiority complexes and are apparently unwilling to be criticized. More recently, he was magtbegørlig, warmongering and still pædofil.Så why on earth would he not have been gelotofob? All things being equal, he should have been nipped in the bud, all Mohammedan clergy would have been good for being.
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Search for: Comments River on Now it is allowed to call con ... Ward 442 on Three av four asylum seekers who UTL ... Ervin Peters on Most may well eventually ... Borge on Today's Arabs are lagging ... Hawk's eye on Today's Arabs are lagging ... Crusader. on our potential allies: Dødsdø ... T. Snorrason on Today's Arabs are lagging ... is penis enlargement ... on Climate Skeptics are mentally ill ... roehakker on Iran direct military get involved ... Tired on Now it's allowed to call con ... Nielsen on Now it is allowed to call con ... loans on About to tolerate Islamist ... Hans Und on Now it is allowed to call con ... Tired on Now it is allowed to call con ... Santor on Now it is allowed to call the c ...
January 2011 M T W fls Dec Feb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hodja Iron Horse trumped parx racing Top Posts Now it allowed to call konspirationsteoretikeren Niels Harrit 'fool' Today's Arabs are backward and incapable of civilization Most surely can eventually figure out the red media agenda Iran directly militarily involved in Assad's side in Syria Our potential allies: condemned murderers rapists and drug offenders Women's rights in Islam Rarely I have seen a more ridiculous Barroso of the European Union and those "brave" "soldiers" will Villy and Hussein Obama support parx racing ... Flags must not hang at the police academy About Hodjanernes Blog Categories
Antisemitism Denmark Demography European Evidence Hodja Imams Immigration Immigration Islam Islamization Israel Jihad Reporters Jura Quran Crime Cultural Enrichment Snips Adhesives
Gelotofobi is "fear of being laughed at." Gelotofobe is according to research more uncertain than others, they have a sense of being ridiculous and they are afraid parx racing that others can see these things. It's largely about low self-esteem and the feeling of being a fool - and attempt to hide this.
Researchers from Aarhus University parx racing have investigated the degree of gelatofobi in 72 countries. parx racing The study shows that Danes are the world's least gelatofobe lot. Only 1.67 percent of Danes are gelatofobe. However, people from the Middle East, Muslims, the world's most gelatofobe parx racing people. 33 percent of them suffer from gelatofobi. It is 19.7 times more than the Danes. Norwegians are in 2nd place with 2.37 percent, and the Israelis - which in extreme greatly exposed to criticism and mockery from their neighbors and much of the Western press, is as high as a 4th-place (5, 91 percent).
1) When other options in my presence, I become suspicious. 2) I avoid to go public because I fear that people see my insecurities and will make fun of it. 3) When strangers or in my presence, I think often they laugh at me. 4) I speak very much not to attract negative attention, so I do not seem ridiculous. 5) I think I work involuntarily ridiculous to others. 6) Although parx racing I often feel lonely, I shall not participate very often in social activities to protect myself against contemptuous remarks. 7) When I made an embarrassing impression somewhere, so I avoid the place afterwards. 8) It takes me a long time to get over when someone laughed at me. 9) When I dance, I feel awkward because I am convinced that those who see me, I think that's ridiculous.
The high degree of gelotofobi parx racing in the Middle East may explain parx racing part of the reason for Muslims' aggressive reaction to satire directed against themselves and what they represent (eg. Muhammad cartoons) - and the distinct parx racing lack of self-irony. Muslim culture great emphasis on honor and shame probably contribute to the high degree parx racing of gelotofobi among Muslims - and thus also to poor self-confidence and the feeling of being ridiculed.
It should be borne in mind that the Muslim prophet Muhammad himself was laughing much when he started his career as a prophet. People did not believe him when he said that a voice inside his head told him that he was a divine prophet. For the same reason, there are some verses parx racing in both the Qur'an and hadith in which Muhammad prohibits making fun of him. Was Muhammad gelotofob? "
Comment by Mette - January 11, 2011 @ 16:35
Yes, Muhammad the pig was pretty safe gelotofob. He was a pedophile, suffered from inferiority complexes and are apparently unwilling to be criticized. More recently, he was magtbegørlig, warmongering and still pædofil.Så why on earth would he not have been gelotofob? All things being equal, he should have been nipped in the bud, all Mohammedan clergy would have been good for being.
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Search for: Comments River on Now it is allowed to call con ... Ward 442 on Three av four asylum seekers who UTL ... Ervin Peters on Most may well eventually ... Borge on Today's Arabs are lagging ... Hawk's eye on Today's Arabs are lagging ... Crusader. on our potential allies: Dødsdø ... T. Snorrason on Today's Arabs are lagging ... is penis enlargement ... on Climate Skeptics are mentally ill ... roehakker on Iran direct military get involved ... Tired on Now it's allowed to call con ... Nielsen on Now it is allowed to call con ... loans on About to tolerate Islamist ... Hans Und on Now it is allowed to call con ... Tired on Now it is allowed to call con ... Santor on Now it is allowed to call the c ...
January 2011 M T W fls Dec Feb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Hodja Iron Horse trumped parx racing Top Posts Now it allowed to call konspirationsteoretikeren Niels Harrit 'fool' Today's Arabs are backward and incapable of civilization Most surely can eventually figure out the red media agenda Iran directly militarily involved in Assad's side in Syria Our potential allies: condemned murderers rapists and drug offenders Women's rights in Islam Rarely I have seen a more ridiculous Barroso of the European Union and those "brave" "soldiers" will Villy and Hussein Obama support parx racing ... Flags must not hang at the police academy About Hodjanernes Blog Categories
Antisemitism Denmark Demography European Evidence Hodja Imams Immigration Immigration Islam Islamization Israel Jihad Reporters Jura Quran Crime Cultural Enrichment Snips Adhesives
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