Monday, July 7, 2014

And then it began-rise 60s fashion row, do not walk and see again. First of all, I have slowed down

My adventure began .... Yeah, when it really started? Is it the moment when one of the Pyrenees mountain passes realized that Montsegur 60s fashion Castle right here next to the retaked attend painting classes when I started to read a book about the Great Mother archetype, or the moment when my life fell into turmoil .. or maybe it started when born right here and now. Everything in the universe is connected. And all it is possible to look at how the lesson ... that we provide to improve and become the best version of yourself.
Cathar learned by reading the painting lesson teacher Vilnius give the book "Откровения Тамплиеров". Until then, know then that they were a particular religious affiliation, all of whom thanks are due to the word "heretic". Wave book gave me the surprise will be shared about the strange black Madonna, who worship the Christians in different places. The book was also for them-for Madonna, whose figure complexion Europe illogical reasons were black. However, the more I was struck by someone else's story-book at the same time that the Christian 60s fashion Church infestation present Latvian territory, there was a crusade against the "wrong" ticošajiem the Cathar-Christians. Well crusade against Allah worshipers crusade against the Gentiles, but the crusade ... against Christians-that I was new.
The next step in the adventure had surfaced at the end of last year an invitation to go pakāpelēt Pyrenees. Mountains are my passion ... and 2x times should not call. Every hill I have been not only physical and emotional adventure (and experience), but also a psychological temper and self-improvement. Consulted with her husband, said the tempter-"Yes," and I started to look for a damn kāpjams. And descriptions of experiences of climbers met again in Qatar, or more precisely, the Cathar castles in the Pyrenees is quite a lot. Lights up in jest. I realized this is what you really want. I would like to see, to experience .... and improve.
And then it began-rise 60s fashion row, do not walk and see again. First of all, I have slowed down by the fact that my physical condition has changed ... and climbing mountains I could be serious. Reassured themselves 60s fashion that will ascend as much as I can. After already being in Spain, I realized that a passenger is a company focused on the Andalusian city of viewing ... and that Andalusia is not the Pyrenees. Rob geography 60s fashion knowledge was to patch up. Accepted the situation and enjoyed it. After all, maybe do not need kāpt.Taisnību saying Enjoyment was very nice, would have never met such a generous local owners of Malaga and near the hymen, and so eagerly as champions in Cordoba. At Granada found that urban amenities viewing the site can go to a nearby mountain massif. It is also common to men and did now know that the Sierra Nevada. Another notch in geography empty! And yet we know that definitely visit this place again-tempted to ski in the morning ~ 2500 m of altitude and enjoy the evening of Granada Flamenco is irresistible! The trip was already half and we were quite distant from the Pyrenees. However comforted knowing that the road home leads through the Pyrenees, however, and hope to spend time Cathar castles were not dzisusi. Andorra crossed and started to look for the coming of the castles. We found one of the descriptions above 160km away, to be chosen as the target. Admittedly, the 160 miles in the mountains is not the same as plain. Serpentine and machines needed relaxation 60s fashion time distancing the possibility 60s fashion of daylight from all planned to see. One of the most beautiful places in the moun. Around the Pyrenees. 60s fashion And then the inevitable happened ;). In one of the other, when resting overheated car, harnessing all of his linguistic skills (oh, the French!) 60s fashion And examining the billboard, found that one of the Cathar 60s fashion castles are just around the corner (on the map looked much closer than 160km). And it was not just the Cathar castle, but Montsegur - Castle Hill, where he was the last bastion of Cathar castle 60s fashion and where according to the legend 60s fashion was kept sv.Grāls. And yet-it was a castle, which was read the entire journey. The court, at the time thought that the book is from the esoteric fiction plot and the castle is mentioned only in the author's imagination. Pleasant admit their mistakes. Now, the closer the closer! We chose to go to Montsegur. During the trip voiced doubts as to whether it is worth to spend time away from the route, but doubts remained without sponsors and we approached the Chateau Montsegur. Car window reflections in very small castle atop a steep hill siluetiņš The moment we saw the high hilltop castle silhouette 60s fashion car rang "Ah!" Followed me was addressed to refund the entire 60s fashion group of pointless trip to call dinner. The castle looked unattainable ... high on a hill. It seemed that this can only be achieved by an aircraft. In any case, such tools were not part of the category is not our car, not personal feet.

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