Thursday, October 9, 2014

While my husband and I through the south of Spain step and day by day, kilometer by kilometer, the

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While my husband and I through the south of Spain step and day by day, kilometer by kilometer, the simple rhythm of the Camino experience, I realize that life is really a journey. There is a beginning and there is an end. There is a point where you start with great excitement and a sick feeling in the stomach about the adventure rockabye baby ahead and a point to miss in the cathedral in Santiago, rockabye baby where it ends. There is gelykvlaktes, sometimes boring but also style, tough and opdraendes afdraendes rockabye baby where you lay on your walking poles lean and wonder if you ever have the next village to fetch. There are hard times where you are tired and discouraged and have to dig deep for courage and energy to continue walking, but also vast and deeply poignant times where you know you'll never be the same again not. Your fellow pilgrims is indispensable on this trip and the less you carry with you and how you walk lighter, the better.
Richard Rohr makes assertions about life directly applicable to the pilgrimage. Life is hard, he and the Camino is hard. Do not walk if you just want to have fun not. There was, along with all the amazing experiences, many tears. Tears of joy from an old French man because the blisters on his feet again and he was healed without further pain could walk. Tears of disappointment of a fresh Aussie who could step further and had to go back because his knee packed up. Tears of frustration of a young girl who wanted to go back home because, "This is too hard for me". And then tears of gratitude when we turn the corner from the cathedral in Santiago rockabye baby Largo step and someone indescribably beautiful play and I realize rockabye baby we are here, we have safely arrived here!
This truth is part of your thinking and you, while you are walking. The reality rockabye baby is that you do not walk the Camino, the Camino de Santiago, also known as The Way, walk you and take you. You are just one of the thousands of pilgrims through the centuries that route walked, with the sun on your back and your shadow for you, on the way to Santiago. Your title, age and what you do or possess is completely unimportant. All the external things rockabye baby which people often find their identity and find security falls away and the pilgrimage your skin layer by layer, so you at your core self to emerge. You are not your title, briefcase, office, laptop and secretary without your car, wardrobe, jewelry and makeup. We slept in pelgrimsherberge where one still without the privacy of your own bedroom and bathroom. All you have is a backpack packed with your sleeping bag and water bottle full of everything you carry no more than ten gift of your body weight in weight. There is no room for egos in backpacks not! And since you are so stripped, you can again begin to understand who you are and where you actually go and do your whole life in a new, sharper focus. Most hikers are people who a crossroads and a decision: Will I change jobs or not? Should I stay in my marriage or not? I have retired and how will I live my life more meaningful? How do I kill my child / spouse? With only a backpack on your back, the walking rockabye baby away drenched with the prayers of thousands of pilgrims through the ages and every morning the sun coming up on the field, helping you to improve yourself and your life in a bigger perspective see and realize that you are but a pilgrim on the way to your final destination. The insight makes you loose a lot of unnecessary baggage and simplify and deepen your life.
Peeled so you should make your course very vulnerable, but the profit of the vulnerability is that pilgrims comfortable without masks their stories with each other and think about life. It was strange to me that people who only know each other's names, and they may never again see, sometimes deep conversations over a glass of Spanish red wine, as old friends together for years a. road.
Rohr also claims about life: You are not in control and you will die. When one long walk every day, you will experience the very intense nature: the sun, the wind, the rain in your face, the smell of the field and the fynbos. And you realize that you are not in control, because when a cold wind blows, you can just your scarf around your head and ears and turn your only jacket and walked because of the wind and the rain and the sun you have no control. You experience the power and majesty of creation and the Creator and your own vanity into your marrow and change you from a tourist who din

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