Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The comments of the user content within the meaning of the relevant legislation, technical services

Few days ago, Facebook has removed saksfifthavenue approximately 180 thousand lájkkal saksfifthavenue Tolvajkergetők side of the judge. As several of my friends and followers was enthusiastically shared the posztjaikat and their videos, so I had already formed an opinion about this site, and in relation to the news fit to find the time to share my views with others. In my view this page offensive hateful, vigilante, personality rights.
I think it is wrong the idea that all offenders against the device is allowed, because if you're fighting crime, that crime is committed in the meantime we can cease the moral grounds to judge which of course is our job anyway. In order to maintain basically the police, the judgment would be the job of the court.
The problem was that in Hungary there are big troubles with the justice system, so the victims - often rightly - feel that the police can not or do not want to solve their problems. This is really frustrating, but it does not entitle anyone saksfifthavenue to create a "vigilante" groups that are dancing on the edge of the legal framework and sometimes stepping over them, enforcing - they believe - the truth.
"The self-righteousness is clearly deviant behavior, but the vigilante excuse to be told to respond to a system problem. The appearance of a vigilante group of symptoms that indicate a social anomaly. saksfifthavenue "(Csepeli sociologist, saksfifthavenue lecturer at the ELTE)
I've heard the claim that there is no self-righteousness Tolvajkergetők video room, so I looked quickly at a specific example. In this video, for example, is not self-defense, but the attack saksfifthavenue was pre-gas gun and kicked the man in the video finally saksfifthavenue escapes, but not before to see him surrounded by the guy, and hear the sounds of a fight as well.
Thomas P. szerepléseiből prior to the conclusion of what the real purpose of these communist organizations. I am sure that is not the creation of a peaceful, happy Hungary, but something completely different. And yes, this is an important issue because it often does not look beneath saksfifthavenue the surface, saksfifthavenue very often we are content to serve the needs somebody we shall take our place, which I had always loved. In this case, punish someone. Maybe that is why they are popular in the movies, where the crossing guard with the rules that are supposed to work in, or the main character is a vigilante who performs well criminals worries (via Batmantől Eastwood Segal is a lot of these). This will always saksfifthavenue be demand. saksfifthavenue Like porn. But there are some things that can not be achieved in life.
As we look at this reality show, not a powder detergent they want to sell to us, but an ideology conveyed in our subconscious, saksfifthavenue and the most damaging feelings - like hunger for revenge and hatred - to strengthen us.
when a photo, name, address, will be published about people who - for various crimes have been committed in breach of the privacy rights - according to the publisher's claims. saksfifthavenue I do not want to protect the offenders, saksfifthavenue but if a person is going against the procedure, you can do any of the law enforcement agencies in their work, so there is no need for intervention and judgment of the people. If not, then the complaint is to be made, the evidence can be obtained, saksfifthavenue and it is possible to protect the victim.
Any posts which communicate to the 180,000 followers to where you are just one person, it is difficult to interpret differently than incitement. I think everyone knows the legal thesis that everyone is entitled to the presumption of innocence:
Due to the operation described above, saksfifthavenue this page whomever kikiálthat criminals or anyone ráuszíthat masses, because the majority of the content of the post Jain reality is not trying to make. This is a very good example, one with an image when it was claimed that the man in the picture was on the page.
And what if I denounced this site? If the page does not violate Facebook rules, otherwise they would all users must agree to the use, then nothing will happen. Delete the page turn reinforces my impression that the Tolvajkergetők saksfifthavenue not operate according to the rules.
The comments of the user content within the meaning of the relevant legislation, technical services manager for them to not take any responsibility, they did not check. A case, please contact the editor of your blog. View the Terms of Use.
Thomas P. usefulness is that it draws attention to the incorrect administration of justice. Of course, there are the rights of criminals, it does not matter. But maybe I should not emphasize the rights of criminals, when victims saksfifthavenue feel that they left them to justice.
I think the author does not understand. If you are fairly up to do it, then the police hátradőlhetne, but that is good, someone else does our work for us, for all r

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