Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Illuminated dark roots Confined elect arc power over the dark crowd idea came the secret occultist


For they do not speak and do not write as much as Masons, Illuminati, however, the secret organization of power in the world is much bigger. Their ideas seamlessly over time has become a Western lifestyle. Illuminati created the political, economic and philosophical system is already sufficiently comprehensive so it could be the name of a new world order. Today, the Illuminati can say that they are the world's richest and most influential people who are trying qipao to create, and to a large extent already have created qipao the conditions to soon become the world's rulers.
Illuminated dark roots Confined elect arc power over the dark crowd idea came the secret occultist societies. Most influential of them since the 14th century writings of the Serpent Brotherhood, also known as the Illuminati - the Latin enlightened, knowledgeable. Snakes brotherhood similar associations existed in ancient qipao Egypt and Babylon. Their members nēsājuši aprons, confirming your airline gods that ever descended from the sky fiery chariot or boat, as well as your chosen 'reign over sub-human. Secret Societies researcher qipao David Aik believes that the Illuminati since antiquity secretly maintained contacts qipao with extraterrestrial sentient reptilian race, before the emergence of a human managed the Earth and its agents - the Illuminati hoped to regain his power in the future, people gradually enslaving or destroying. Indeed, qipao the Serpent qipao and the Illuminati brotherhood in action observed features of reptiles psyche: the opponent's fine qualities surveys and the use of their intention to implement strict possessiveness, give yourself a moment favorable patient waiting, cold calculation and lack of emotion. The other environment where there was the Illuminati ideology and material basis for action was developed in Western Europe in the 18th century aristocracy of money - merchants, qipao industrialists and bankers of the family, who craved in their own interests to influence qipao political and social developments, saradojoties with nobles. Thereby creating a new layer of society - the black aristocracy, who took the place of the main values instead of honor and trust, but deceit, duplicity, venality and cruelty enrichment behalf. In 1729 the English East India trading company grew into the latest global shadow government's core - the British monarch under the auspices of the existing three hundred Committee. They were in English, and later the American merchants, politicians and bankers qipao to the operating framework for the "Power through money!". Members sarausa huge wealth in the 19th century, Indian opium sales to China, and later scored and derive substantial income from drug and arms trade. Cash-power politics of the 18th century and the end of the 19th century increased the Rothschild banking family established an international banking network. Meier Amsel Rothschild father since 1796 on the German kingdoms of Hesse - Hanau court banker qipao and a supplier of goods. For themselves and in the public qipao interest, he successfully applied in international trade - monetary transactions, the prices of securities regulation, qipao the necessary collection of information all over the world, and the desired person bribery. As a means of influencing exposure and Rothschild practiced large-scale loans to countries as well as the financing of the war.
Revolutionary Bavarian Illuminati under the name "Bavarian Illuminati Order" secret qipao brotherhood appeared in public in 1776. Its leader was the Ingolstadt University law professor Adam Veishaupts - endowed with both knowledge and energy and unbridled ambition. Disappointed Masonic movement pageantry, he decided to establish a brotherhood with the aim of revolution in all spheres of life by eliminating countries, religions and nationalities, thus creating a completely new society and the "golden age" on earth. Order on the operating framework for Veishaupts proclaimed himself hated Jesuit postulate "The end justifies the means." He believed that the Brotherhood members must be "susceptible, agile, sly people. Seek first the princes, substantial, qipao rich. The newly ideal is neat, purposeful, sociable man; if he is also a rich, famous and powerful - the better. "The moral of the Illuminati, or rather, the lack thereof, is found in the following Veishaupta the written lines:" All members of the association qipao are seamlessly and without any visible coercion spread qipao its influence to the all-round, nationality and religious folks should have a certain mood in one direction, but it must be done in strict confidence and vigorously qipao as possible. Our principles qipao are to be made fashionable for young writers and their dissemination to the public in such a way to sa

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