Friday, September 13, 2013

We now come to the fourth part of the TDC

We now come to the fourth part of the TDC's wine school, where winemaker and writer Lars Torstensson will share his many years of knowledge in the field. After that in the last post have been simple phat pants basic knowledge phat pants of wine tasting, we go here on the various testing phases.
Torstensson works as a "flying winemaker" for a number of wine-house worldwide, and operates its own blog When the post season now started treating just testing the wine, Torstensson's book "Wine Tasting" to benefit phat pants all those who purchased so far. The book was awarded including "Food Academy's prize for the year Dryckesbok 2011".
We still have the pleasure phat pants to offer you readers to buy Torstensson's book "Wine Tasting" to the TDC price, which further complement their vinkunskapen. Although phat pants the book "Vinifiktioner" is here heavily discounted for 100 - including shipping if you enter "The Drones Club" in the field for other information.
The first step in wine tasting is to look at the wine and especially its color. It is easy to distinguish a white wine from a red, but there is also a difference phat pants in white and white wines. Once you've learned phat pants a little phat pants more about what the color says you become phat pants a better wine taster. Note that everything said below is that of the norm - the exceptions are many and that is precisely what makes wine tasting, which in itself is so simple, also can be more complicated.
Red and pink wine gets its color from blue grape skins. The meat itself is colorless. White wine is usually made of green grapes, but exceptions occur. The most famous exception is champagne, which uses two black grapes and green. Only if it says "Blanc de Blancs" on the label, only the green grape, Chardonnay, are used.
A highly colored red wine is usually made from a grape with a lot of color, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, and / or in a warm region where the grapes usually takes more color. Is the wine in the glass light can sense that it comes from a grape with a little paint, maybe Pinot Noir, and a cooler region or area where they traditionally make light wines. A young red wine has a purplish hue which eventually turns into a red hue to where the wine is maturing, becoming brick red. A brown red wines are usually too old to be agreeable.
Regarding white wines have grape color richness less important because phat pants you do not want to have any color in the wines. The color difference that still often perceived between different white wines depends phat pants on other things. Things that increase the intensity of the color is oak storage, sweetness, age and aware, or indeed unaware (failure) oxidation during production. A really phat pants young wine is often easy greenish in hue, an older, yellow or even golden yellow. When white wines are overripe they assume a brown color and begins to smell a little apple snufkin (the apple turns brown when it comes into contact with acid depends, moreover, on the oxidation) and eventually perhaps burnt rubber.
Rosé groups are, perhaps to the surprise of many, the wines most obviously different color wise. In Sweden, traditionally the rather highly colored rosé with a red hue been popular. The rosé areas, phat pants Provence, dominates phat pants the more elegant colored, pink wines. They are lighter and commute in hue between salmon pink and light orange. A more highly colored rosé can be done on a colorful grape or you have just decided to give the wine more color - can such a highly colored grape like Syrah maceration of the must one day affect the wine's phat pants color very real.
Stage two of the test is to smell, and feel vintes scent. A simpler wine smells less and is particularly flatter than an expensive, which can often be said to exhibit complexity, ie nuances and many experiences, the fragrance. Has the wine received a duvning in an oak barrel or treated phat pants with oak chips tend to find things such as wood, wood shed, tar, coffee, chocolate and roasted almonds. Other wines offers an aroma dominated by berries and fruits or maybe flowers and citrus phat pants in different varieties. A testing company tend to agree in the zone in which the scent belongs, for example, fruity, but it tends to be harder to pinpoint whom or which fruits you think you find in the wine. Just as easy, or difficult, like finding the flavor of a sorbet that you try blindfolded ...
Step three is to taste the wine. Check seeping and allow wine to roll around in the mouth so that all taste buds in contact with the beverage. The acid is usually felt best along with the tongue sides, bitterness down towards the root. Please compare phat pants with where you usually react to acid (lemon), bitter (coffee), saltiness phat pants and sweetness. One often speaks of the wine's phat pants taste, it is simply how long you feel the taste; certain wines lingers long, others disappear faster than you can swallow them. A red wine that has a purplish hue and high acid and is rough - pulling the tongue against the palate so you feel roughness - is probably left

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