Friday, January 17, 2014

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A gynecologist discovers her husband is cheating on her with other women regularly. His unusual reaction is to hire a prostitute to seduce her husband and then to reveal the intimate details that over the years she and he have lost within marriage.
Anne Fontaine had already ventured into the depths of the human psyche and behavior luella on "How to Kill My Father." This time enters explore female behaviors when exposed to the viewer in an extreme way, openly or bluntly. The film, as such, is the story of a woman who suspects her husband is cheating thus hires a prostitute to corroborate his intuition. This is beyond dangerous game when the prostitute is linked romantically with her husband in a dangerous triangle exposes the interests of each and where the three seek game shows.
The direction luella of Fontaine luella worries in focus the thread of the film and its rhythms and moments to the feelings and behaviors of the characters in a wicked game you discover the depths of your thoughts and disturbing, that premise alone in the end, perhaps not conceived in such a perfect and completely true to expected resolution. The pace of the story is slow but consistent luella and decisive in its outcome respecting permanently reflect the view of its author, but no direct implacable, but subject to different interpretations.
The setting, with proper staging and magnificent photography luella and incidental music, support a instigante as provocative as worthy story about ethical and moral questions. It can not be denied that on track in undressing psquisis the typical woman of the French bourgeoisie and gives his opponent, accurate and sharp to dive into ideological aspects that in some way also aspire to enter that impenetrable bourgeois circle, I give it dualities luella and take over (even in dreams and sometimes) your seemingly luella blameless life.
In the construction of ideas of Fontaine makes the collision with the facts and the methods used to communicate these ideas gives the impression that it suffers from cautious and risky and could have ventured further in resolving the conflict. Moreover, luella the biased complexity of the characters is an addition to the narrative components, which only in its outcome can cuestionársele some abrupt and predictable way to reformulate luella the personal course that takes each character (and thus the story) without annular Anyway I told here.
As omnipresent conductive thread of the plot, as essential as a factor in the argument is forbidden eroticism that without ostentatious nudity and sex scenes, no makeup gets expose the most lurid sexual fantasies and promiscuous women protagonists. In this interpretive duel interpret two superb actresses Fanny Ardant-like a sort of comeback to the limelight-composing a tormented character with enormous talent and Emmanuelle Beart who owns a beauty and unique sensuality explores the perversions and manipulations had shown on your character in "8 Women."
Beyond acting duel between the two actresses, the specific weight of the film lies in its dramatic power to strip a game where two antagonists share fantasies and perversions luella while others play their own destinies. Clip - trailer:
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